e-Range Homepage - Click Here

e-Range Updates, Support & Installation Files

Please choose the appropriate download link below which pertains to your e-Range software setup.

Note : None of the eRange software on this page will run without the proper e-Range
          hardware and a valid license.

  Sales and Support Information
A) TeamViewer remote support (Version 11) Download from eRange
Quick Connect File
Quick Session Connect
B) ConnectWise remote support Download SOS file from eRange
Open Web Browser Link
C) Reader Menu Summary G-Series Readers
with Firmware 175.01 and above (shipped from Sept 2015)
Download Now
D) Reader Menu Summary for Timer-Series Readers
for readers equipped with a motor timer controller.
Download Now
E) Reader Menu Summary for older G-Series Readers
(Old versions - Pre 2015)
Download Now
F 32) MySQL connector Ver 5.3.10 win32 bit
Download 32 bit from MySQL.com
G) e-Range Brochure Download Now
H) Crossfire Credit Card System Brochure Download Now
J) e-Range/Crossfire Faceplate cutout template (PDF) Download Now

      Downloadable Updates

Latest e-range version = 30.46.305   April 2, 2021    
- Fixes duplicate PIN printing when using PIN Integration server in the eRange Computer Software.

Latest Crossfire version = 32.19.051   April 16, 2021   (Uses ENCXML Method)
- Supports Moneris as a card processor for Canadian and US Clients - effective April 16th, 2021
- Accepts some tap transactions with Moneris. (Testing still in progress as of April 21, 2021)
- Blocks all cards with no name on card.
- fixes bug - Blacklisted cards were still accepted.
- fixes bug - unable to select date period in reports.
- [Elavon] ETS Gift Card Management is built in.

(Archived) Crossfire version = 1.70.193   March 5, 2016   (Uses ETS dll 4.07.005)
- Allows single size if selection button is broken.
- Swiping card will vend a basket of balls without customer making a selection.

Latest VSD Version = 2.18.126   Oct 22, 2018

- Has fix for Popup 'Did not originate from eRange.'
  when formatting eKeys)

Latest AGC e-range version = 31.45.264   Feb 26, 2019    
- Fixes duplicate PIN printing when using Integration server in the execuatable.
   - Unlimited AGC Lost List/Deactivation List controlled wirelessly.

1) e-Range - Installation Package

e-Range 30 Installer w/ Drivers (MSSQL) April 5, 2018
eRange version 30.42.243
DLL version (Feb 2018)
TeamViewer 11 installer included.
MySQL 5.3.10 ODBC Connector installer(s) included.

Download Now
2) Crossfire - Installation Package

Crossfire Install Package (31.8.064)
- Uses 2017 ENCSXMLS method. No conflicts with IBS and GolfNow software.

Download Now

Crossfire 2018 Blank Database
3) VSD - Installation Package

e-Range VSD  Installer

Download Now
4) Compatibility Active X Controls (OCX's) Download Now
5) e-Range VSD executable only. (2.18.116)
Sept 3, 2014
(has formatting fix for Europe)
Download Now
6 - 32) MySQL 5.3.10 ODBC Connector installer 32 bit
April 5, 2018
Required for automatic subscription code updating.
Download 32 bit Now
11) 32 bit

2018 32bit POS DLL
2018 POS PIN Integration 32 bit DLL Ver DLL
         ***Dated: April 21 2019*** replaces all previous version 30.32 builds
Requires latest DLL Test App (below) to turn logging on/off.
Catches 403 errors not caught in

Catches -200 errors not caught in

-- End User Licensing is Required for POS/PIN Integration! --
*** This DLL is authorized for use by the Patent Owner ***
Download Now
12) 2019 POS PIN Integration Test App Ver 30.19.0421
       *** Dated: March 21, 2019 ***
required for the 2019 DLL version

-- End User Licensing is Required for POS/PIN Integration! --
*** This DLL is authorized for use by the Patent Owner ***

POS PIN Integration is built into the latest eRange executable versions 30.20.240 and above.
The latest erange executable and this Integration Test Application will set up the new client information required by the new dll which can then be copied into the POS folder.
Download Now
13) 2018 POS PIN Integration Documentation March 21, 2018
       *** New ***
Integration guidelines and instructions for POS companies to
use the latest version 30.32.18.x dll to be able to print eRange PIN
numbers on the POS receipt that will activate the ball dispenser.
Download Now
14) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Required for the new dll if .NET version 4 not installed on
the computer.
Download Now (from eRange)

Download Now (from Microsoft)

15) e-Range Port Test Utility Download Now
16) e-Range Vista USB drivers 32-bit (4.01) Download Now
17) e-Range Vista USB drivers 64-bit (4.01) Download Now
18) e-Range Windows 7 USB drivers 32-bit (4.03) Download Now
19) e-Range Windows 7 USB drivers 64-bit (4.03) Download Now
20) e-Range MySQL (10.125.188) Executable Only
June 2015
Download Now
21) MySQL-MSSQL blank e-Range database
for exporting MYSQL linked DB to local DB
Download Now
30) Crossfire - Receiver Drivers pre-2014 hardware (2.04.06)
Windows 7 Compatible
Download Now
31) Crossfire/eRange wireless - Receiver Drivers 2014+ hardware. (XSC hardware)
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Compatible
Download Now
32) eRange wired hardware (Moxa) drivers
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Drivers Available
(select the proper operating system driver)

Click on the link. When the site opens, use the drop down labelled 'Operating System' and select the proper driver for your computer
Open Website
33) Crossfire - Inetwh32.dll Download Now
41) Fore Reservations MySQL POS Integration
Deprecated, no longer supported.
Emergency Use Only.
Server Installer XP
Server Installer
Client Installer
Version 20 DLL


Copyright © 2001-2017 eRange Inc. All rights reserved.