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e-range Crossfire


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Why e-range?

$25,000.00 interest free loan?

Many educational and financial institutions are introducing electronic payment methods which allow them to take the prepaid money for sales, deposit it, and collect thousands of dollars in interest on the prepaid deposit account.

With the e-range reader and e-range PC software, YOU manage the prepaid account. YOU collect interest on the money customers have deposited! You have control of the cash!

For example; let’s suppose the system is installed where there are 500 members. If each of these members prepays just $50.00, it’s like getting an interest free loan of $25,000.00

$100.00 prepaid = $50,000.00 imagine?

The system can pay for itself in less than a week
 just with the prepaid deposits

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Every basket dispensed by the e-range system is recorded and accounted for.

Employees can be given their own account and use it to sell baskets to your customers. You can print a report showing exactly what happened at the ball dispenser on that shift.

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Who wants to tell a valued member that their prepaid range membership money is lost forever if they loose their card or someone steals it?

e-range can de-activate a lost or stolen prepaid account and replace it instantly and without additional wiring.

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A new way of selling range memberships!

Special CLUB keys automatically give members 1 to 10 baskets per day, or per week. Private golf clubs can manage driving range privileges more efficiently. Eliminate token hoarding and the free distribution of tokens to non-members.

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